sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2009

Hannah Clark

She is a 16 year old girl whose story travelled around the world. During early childhood she had a cardiomyopathy and to overcome this situation a heart transplant was necessary. At the time, doctors decided to perform it using the “piggy-back” technique. This means, like in a kidney transplant, that the original organ(s) stays inside the body. For the kidneys it is really convenient because a retroperitoneal operation, which is extremely difficult, is avoided. However, in the case of the heart, the original diseased organ is normally removed and replaced by the donor’s one. Well, after transplantation she needed immunosuppressant therapy for life to avoid the rejection of the new organ. The drugs depressed her immune system and eventually she got lymphoma. Doctors had now a new challenge. To treat the tumor, chemotherapy was needed but for that, the immunosuppressant drugs had to be stopped leading to the rejection of the donor’s heart by Hannah´s immune system. Luckily she still had her original heart, which recovered from the cardiomyopahty through all these 14 years after transplantation. The chemotherapy solved the lymphoma, the donor’s heart was removed and Hannah has now a completely normal life without needing of almost any medication. Doctors were not expecting such a recovering from her heart. This opens new thoughts for the future heart transplants in children!

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