quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009

Portuguese police vs. Czech police

Not declaring and not even guaranteeing the efficacy of these different countries institutions, I would like to show you some pictures showing the 2 stereotypes. Even if there are men and men (or women) I think the idea running in the society is quite good expressed.

Portuguese example:

And the Czech example:

With these images I don't want to say that Czech police is better than Portuguese one. I want to stress that changes are needed in the Portuguese police way of admittance, formation and training of the society protectors. The authority is the police, not the thieves. The punishments are monetary fines (when applicable) and prison, not the (literally) term of identity and residence (the obligation of a person that committed a crime to present himself to the police once every week/month). The police as an institution that defends the citizens that fullfill the law has the duty of controlling the outlaws and calling them to the court, not the simple presence of the officers, which does not discourage the crime. Action is needed!
The number of people wanting to become a policeman in Portugal is quite good. however there is a limit number of candidates by law. This number should be increased, not to increase the number of policemen formed, but to increase the range of selection. More accepted candidates would permit also a greater exclusion of people that are not qualified for the job.

1 comentário:

  1. Look I am portuguese and let me tell you its not easy to become an officer you have to enter the army which has one of the toughest recruitment in the world and spend there several years piking up the skills and both mental and physical fitness needed to enforce the ranks of PSP (policia de segurança publica)(public safety police) and GNR(Guarda Nacional Republicana)(Republican National Guard) the problem its not the recruiting its that most of the officers get lazy and don't care for nothing but getting to the end of the month for that paycheck( which is not that much) Now lets stop the criticism. i Think that ALL officers should make is annual fitness and marksmanship test those o fail have one 2 weeks que get up to shape other wise they get monetarily punished . Il thank to anyone who post an answer to tought pls so we can desscuss it further
